4 Speaking Secrets Every Introvert Should Know

When it comes to public speaking, you can never have enough guidance on overcoming fear, storytelling or commanding the stage.

Today, I’m offering tips specifically for introverts – those people who avoid parties, networking groups and enjoy plenty of downtime.

Fear not, introverts. Just because you are an introvert, doesn’t mean you can’t command the stage. In fact, many introverts have been very successful and made careers out of being on the stage.

So here are 4 tips just for you:

Practice, practice and then practice some more

Speaking is like any muscle. You have to keep using it in order to stay in shape. The more you practice your speech, the more you will be comfortable with you material, which lessens the fear of forgetting what you’re going to say. Speaking to groups on a regular basis will boost your confidence making the experience less intimidating.

Connect to your story

There is nothing more inspiring to a live audience than a passionate speaker. You can’t have passion if your material is dry, so it’s important to share a compelling story. For example, a photographer talking about his subjects or what happened during the photo shoot is much more interesting than if he were to talking about the camera or shutter speed used.

Be of service

When speaking to a group you are sharing information with those who need it most. The audience wants and needs the wisdom, advice and solutions you have to offer. Thinking about the information that is most important to the audience will take the focus off of you.

Channel your inner Sasha Fierce

There are numerous actors, musicians and artists who are introverts including Harrison Ford, Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga. Even a powerful, fearless performer like Beyonce admits to channeling her alter ego, Sasha Fierce, when she takes the stage:

“Sasha Fierce is the fun, more sensual, more aggressive, more outspoken side and more glamorous side that comes out when I’m working and when I’m on the stage.”

Take a cue from Beyonce (and let’s face it, who doesn’t want to be as fierce as Beyonce every now and then?) and create your own persona the next time you take the stage.

Now it’s your turn. Are you an introvert? Do you have an Sasha Fierce alter ego? Share your best speaking tip in the comments below.

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