A Tool to Book More Speaking Engagements

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photo courtesy of rob laughter, unsplash

Is getting booked to speak one of your goals this year?

Whether you’re promoting a book, program or your services, speaking is one of the best ways to build your visibility and connect with potential clients.

The good news is there are thousands of speaking opportunities available from small workshops to large-scale conferences or virtual events.

So how can you get the attention of meeting and event planners and stand out from your competitors?

Create a “speaking” page on your website.

It’s an easy tool that many entrepreneurs don’t use.

How does a speakers page impact getting booked?

Like your services or  sales page, a speakers page provides valuable information that engages meeting and event planners.

When looking for speakers for an upcoming event, meeting planners will visit the websites of industry experts. While reading through the About page and blog is informative, a speaking page contains all the information they’re looking for including:

  • Is she available to speak to our group?
  • What topics does he/she speak about?
  • How often does she speak?
  • At what events has she spoken in the past?

If that information is not easily available, meeting planners will move on to another speaker’s website. Which means you could be missing out on opportunities.

A speaking page makes their job easy – and they’re more likely to click the “book to speak” button!

What information should you include on a speaking page?

Your Signature Topics

Do you help executives create work/life balance? Do you teach women how to improve their health through diet and exercise? Do you mentor young professionals how to manage their careers? Include a list of the top 3 topics you like to present and include a brief description of the talk.

Links to Upcoming Events

This lets the event planner know your upcoming schedule and availability to speak. If the event is local, the event planner (or prospective clients) may attend the event to see you live in action.

Past Speaking Engagements

Include a list of the conferences, networking groups and events at which you’ve presented. This establishes credibility and shows the range of presentations you offer. This is a great place to include any media appearances as well.

Testimonials from Previous Speaking Engagement

You know you can deliver an amazing talk, but having others provide social proof goes along way. Don’t have any testimonials? No problem. Contact the organizations for which you recently spoke and ask them to provide 2-3 sentences about your presentation style and/or results they achieved based on the information you provided. Let them sing your praises!


Nothing demonstrates your presentation style and delivery better than seeing it on video. Video gives you a competitive advantage over speakers who don’t include video on their website and can help event planners get the green light to book you.

Do you have a speakers page on your website? If you’d like support with landing more speaking engagements, I’d love to help! Begin by booking your complimentary consultation.

What is the message you were born to share?

What is the message you were born to share?

Do you have the desire to be a speaker, but worry you don’t have a story to tell?

You are not alone. I hear this a lot when speaking to entrepreneurs who feel called to share their message in a bigger way, but don’t think they have a powerful story.

Have you ever looked at the pros – those entrepreneurs, speakers and thought leaders who have built a big platform, deliver amazing TED talks, and grace the stage at national events – and think to yourself, “I could never be like them because I don’t have a story.”

Perhaps you think your story isn’t compelling or “BIG” enough.

If you’ve ever felt like you don’t have a story, I’m here to tell you:

Everyone has a story to tell. Yes, even YOU.

Let’s dive into a few ways you can craft your signature story:

Define Your Story

Like finding your voice, your story will take time to develop. It’s important to take time to uncover your story.  To dig beneath the surface to uncover gems – the experiences, challenges and adventures you’ve forgotten about.

Here’s an exercise you can try: draw a line on a sheet of paper. The line represents your life with one end representing the day you were born; the other, the present day. Begin to fill in all the key milestones in between – graduations, marriage, moving, career changes, children, writing a book, traveling, and so on.

Review all of the events and achievements over your lifetime. What did those experiences teach you? Is there a pattern or theme? That’s usually a key element of your story.

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photo courtesy rawpixel.com on Unsplash

What’s the Journey?

What is the transformation you help your clients achieve? For example, if you’re a health and wellness coach, you help your clients improve their nutrition and fitness levels.

If you’re a business coach, perhaps you help your clients transition from being in debt to increase their profitability and bring in more revenue.

Or perhaps you help empower your clients to silence their inner critic so they can reach the next level in their life and business.

Whatever the service you provide, you’ve most likely walked a similar path in your own journey. That transformation plays a key role in the signature story you’re here to tell.


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Photo courtesy of Aaron Burden, Unsplash

Play Reporter

Have you ever looked in the refrigerator but couldn’t find the milk? Only to have your spouse point out it was right in front of you?

Sometimes the answers we seek are right in front of us, but we’re too close to see it. That’s why it’s helpful to recruit a friend to help you uncover what’s you’ve become blind to.

Invite a friend to interview you about your goals and what’s driving you to share your story. Here are a few questions to help you get started:

1. Briefly describe your business / career.
2. Why did you start your business? (if you’re a corporate profession: Why did you choose this field/industry?)
3. What are you passionate about your work?
4. What do you enjoy most about the clients you work with?

5. Why is sharing your story so important to you?

6. What do you want to be know for? What are you the expert in?

7. If you could leave an audience with one message from your talk, what would it be?

Have your friend recap the conversation. What did she learn? How would she describe you and your work?

You may be amazed at what’s right in front of you!

If you’d like support with crafting your powerful story, I’d love to help. Reserve your complimentary session, so you can take the first step towards the spotlight!

Your Speaking Engagement Action Tracking Guide

So you’ve taken the first brave step in your speaker journey and sent out inquiries for speaking engagements. You’ve clicked send! Your heart is pounding. You may even feel a bit nauseous, but mostly your heart is filled with joy and excitement about getting on stage and sharing your message with others!

You’ve researched a number of organizations. You have a list of dream speaking engagements. And you’ve taken the time to write a thoughtful inquiry or application.

You may have even received a few responses! Hooray!

So, what’s next?

After submitting a few proposals, it’s easy to lose track of the opportunities for which you’ve applied. Wouldn’t it be awful if you submitted an application twice or missed an opportunity because you couldn’t find the contact you were supposed to follow up?

If you’re just beginning your speaking journey, you know you will have to put your self out there frequently to establish your thought leadership.

As you send more inquiries, it’s important to stay on top of which speaking engagements you’ve submitted, which applications you’re currently working on, and important deadlines.

How do you know who to contact? And when?

Staying organized is important, so you can follow up and stay on the radar of key decision makers.

You want to track the following:

Events – the name of the organization or event for which you’d like to speak.

Dates and Location – when is the event taking place and in what city or town?

Application deadline – is there a deadline you must submit by?

Contacts – Do you have a contact in the organization? Or perhaps, the event planner accepting the proposals?

It’s easy to lose track of so many moving parts, so I’ve created an action tracking guide to help you stay organized. Download your sheet now!

Use this sheet to keep track of the speaking opportunities you’re currently applying for or use it as an incentive to get started!

Want more support with booking speaking opportunities or getting start? Let’s talk.


13 Ways to Find Your Next Speaking Opportunity

Public speaking is a great way to get yourself out there, build your thought leadership, and get in front of potential clients. When you’re just getting started, finding speaking opportunities can be intimidating. It doesn’t have to be.

From local meetings to national conferences, there are thousands of events happening each day, in person and online, that need great speakers like you!

To help you on your way, here is a list of 13 ways to find your next speaking engagement:

  1. Industry associations – every industry has an association and most associations host events monthly, quarterly or annually. Check the associations website for event listings and speaker applications.
  2. Corporations – Corporations bring experts to train their employees on subjects from social media to leadership to mindfulness. Have a friend who works for a company for which you’d love to speak? Ask him/her for an introduction to the person who handles corporate training.
  3. Colleges and Universities – Do you live near a college or university? Contact your local university and offer to speak to students or faculty.
  4. Networking groups – There are many groups designed to help entrepreneurs grow their business. Join your preferred group and let members know you are looking for speaking opportunities. There may be an opportunity to speak for the networking group’s membership as well!
  5. Podcasts – Want to get in front of a new audience without leaving home? Podcasts make it possible. Connect with your favorite podcast host and offer to be a guest on an upcoming episode.
  6. Online telesummits, webinars, livestreams – Who are your peers or mentors in your industry? Offer to be a guest speaker for any upcoming events they are hosting such as a webinar or telesummit. They get an opportunity to bring value to their community while you get to speak to a new group. Win-win!
  7. Online event listings – Spend a few minutes searching events using websites such as Eventbrite, Meet Up or Facebook events.
  8. Service organizations like the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club. The organizations meet weekly and welcome guest speakers.
  9. Local Community Spaces & Venues – venues host events for community members. Check out events happening at your library, co-working space or recreation center.
  10. Referrals – Ask your network of colleagues and peers where they speak. Can they introduce you to the meeting organizer? Ask your clients – Where do they spend time? Are they a member of any industry groups or associations?
  11. Google – A quick google search can generate the speaking opportunities you’ve been waiting for. Search your (industry) + (events) + (city/town or zip code). Or try searching (industry) + (call for presenters).
  12. Industry Conferences – There are conferences designed for various industries happening each day. Research your industry’s events to find which conferences you can best lend your expertise. Many conferences have information about speaking opportunities, and how to apply, directly on their website.
  13. Business publications such as Crain’sInc Magazine and Fortune have event listings in the magazine and on their websites.

Your mission this week: Select one of the ideas above to research speaking engagements. With just a quick search or phone call, you’re on your way to booking your next speaking opportunity!

Want more support with booking speaking engagements? Schedule a complimentary session today.

What to do when your speaking pitch gets rejected

Crafting a perfect pitch is an essential part to getting booked to speak at conferences, networking events or in the media.

Sometimes having the perfect pitch is not enough to get selected. So, what do you do if your proposal gets rejected?

Before you start spinning down the “I’m not good enough” path, I have some good news. There are a few reasons your proposal could have been rejected that have nothing to do with you or your submission.

It’s a numbers game

If you’re applying to speak at a conference  there are a limited number of speaking spots and sessions. The same applies if  your goal is to speak at a networking group that meets once per month – there are only twelve spots for the year. So, even though your topic may be amazing (and we’ll assume it is), the event organizers have to make some tough decisions. Don’t lose heart if you don’t make the cut the first time around. Your proposal may be at the top of the list for the next event.

Take a second look at your topic

With a fresh set of eyes review your proposal and ask yourself “am I presenting a different perspective from my competitors?” For example, if you are a health coach, and your competitors are speaking about the benefits of a juice cleanse, why not present on meditation or stress management? Offering a different perspective will help you stand out from the pack.

Build relationships

I’m a big believer in building and maintaining relationships in all aspects of business and life. If your proposal wasn’t accepted the first time around, stay in touch with the conference or event organizers to maintain the relationship. You can  send them relevant articles, connect with them on social media or send periodic updates on your business. When the next event or speaking opportunity rolls around you will be top of mind and they may come to you!

Do you need help crafting the perfect pitch or landing speaking engagements? Sign up for a 30-minute complimentary session to get started.