

A 90-Day program to help you turn up the volume

and make a greater impact!

Are You Ready to Build Your Speaking Platform in 2018?

Are you ready to share your unique message and voice? And build a platform that allows you to reach the masses and make an impact?

It’s your time to shine!

You are a force! You have a fire burning within you and are being called to share your message with the world.

You have a gift and provide a service that changes lives. It’s why you started your business.

Now it’s time to expand your reach and take your speaking goals to the next level.

Imagine stepping into the spotlight as a speaker and reaching the masses. Imagine giving a powerful TED talk like Brene Brown or filling a theater like Gabrielle Bernstein.

I know you’re thinking: I could NEVER be as powerful as those speakers! Or that it seems impossible because:

You don’t know what your message is or how to say it.

You don’t know how to get your message out there in a bigger way.

You don’t know where to begin.

You lack time, consistency or momentum

And wonder who am I to do this?

Or you believe the stage is reserved for extroverted professionals.

Hear me now: you CAN do this!

And you can do it in a way that is authentic to you.

Give Yourself the Gift of Visibility

You have something to say. You have big work to do in this world and it’s time for you to take center stage. There is a reason you are being called to speak. It’s time to answer the call, release the suffering and take your speaking goals to the next level.

And you can do it in your own way, on your own terms, with ease.

Know this:

  • You don’t have to deliver a perfect performance (No one is counting your ums and uhs)
  • You don’t have to be an all-knowing oracle (you have a story to share, I promise!)
  • You don’t have to shout to get noticed (that’s what the microphone is for)
  • You don’t have to be a certain dress size (that label doesn’t define your worth or your ability to get booked as a speaker)
  • You don’t have to follow a formula (because there is no formula and we know you make your own rules)
  • You can do it with ease, grace and confidence – on your own terms.

Janne EdneyI wanted to share my story in a way that would attract the clients I could help the most, in the ways I was most comfortable sharing. Regina asks killer questions and knows how to dig deep! She has a knack for pulling things out of you that you may not have even realized were ‘gifts’ or special talents.

~ Janne Edney, Founder,

You may have done a few speaking engagements in the past or perhaps you’re just getting started. Now it’s time to turn up the volume and make a big impact!

Let 2018 be the Year You Step into the Spotlight

Billy Joel

Over the next 90-days, we’ll work together to AMPLIFY your speaking platform. This one-to-one coaching program is designed to meet your specific goals including:

Your Voice:

  • Find your voice and POV
  • Identify your unique speaking skills and talents
  • Release fears of rejection and criticism

Your Story:

  • Define the story you are here to tell
  • Create a signature talk you can use again and again
  • Connect with your audience and make an impact

Your Platform:

  • Find your ideal speaking engagements
  • Develop your signature speaker style and format
  • Learn how to get booked as a speaker
  • Create a perfect media pitch
  • Expand your audience

And much more!

MirandaBartholomewBefore working with Regina I lacked structure, a plan, or concepts to market my purpose or myself. She understood my goals and really listened. The outcome of working with Regina is immense. She helped me realize and trust my potential.

~Miranda Bartholomew, Creator and Founder, Our Conversations Matter


1 x half-day speaking intensive to jump start your goals and strategy for 2018

9 x 45-minute one-to-one session with Regina (by phone/Zoom) to amplify your Voice, Story and Platform

Access to a private Facebook group to connect with like-minded peers

Access to Facebook Lives, Q&A calls and other resources.

Done for you templates, tools and resources

Email support between sessions

Book your complimentary call today to get started. We’ll chat about your goals and determine if this program is the perfect match for you.

Make 2018 the Year that Changes Everything!

Meet Your Guide, Regina D’Alesio


I’ve worked behind the scenes producing television programs, conferences and live events for 15+ years. During this time I’ve helped hundreds of people craft a powerful message and look their best on screen and on camera.

Now I work with entrepreneurs, authors and speakers like you to help you emerge from the shadows and step into the spotlight. I have a knack for identifying your unique gifts, so you can stand out from the crowd and find opportunities. I know how to present a compelling story that moves an audience and can help you do the same. And I will help you do it in a way that is authentic to you.



Turn up the volume in 2018 and make a greater impact!

Ready to get started?

Begin by booking your complimentary call today. We’ll hop on the phone, discuss your goals and determine if this is a perfect match.

Questions? Email Regina [at] reginadalesio [dot] com