Success Stories

MirandaBartholomewBefore working with Regina, I lacked structure, a plan, or concepts to market my purpose or myself. She asked questions to understand my goals and I felt as though she really listened. What I loved about working with Regina was that she was all about me!

WOW! The outcome of working with Regina is immense. She helped me to realize and to trust my potential. She helped me understand that there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be great and to let go of perfection. I now have a new website, twitter account, Facebook page and built several relationships to gain visibility for my mission and myself.

-Miranda Bartholomew, Creator & Founder, Our Conversations Matter

Janne EdneyWhen I first came to work with Regina D’Alesio, I wanted to share my story in a way that would attract the clients that I could help the most, in the ways I was most comfortable sharing it. I was a little nervous, but Regina immediately put me at ease.

Regina asks killer questions and knows how to dig deep! She has a knack for pulling things out of you that you may not have even realized were ‘gifts’ or special talents that set you apart.

Working with Regina to create, refine and own my story validated for me the core concepts, ideas and magic I embody as a coach and wish to share with my clients. She tailored the work we did together to meet my particular needs and desires – the work she does is highly individualized.

As a result, I’ve learned to relax and my communication comes more fluidly. I’m not holding anything back. I write from my heart and feel very comfortable being my authentic self, sharing my wisdom and shining my light. Regina helped me understand that when I show up in this way, people get a feel for who I am and see the magic in working together.

On my journey with Regina, something unexpected happened. My unique story became not something ‘out there’, something external to me that I have to tell in a sales-y kind of way to market myself; rather, I simply embody my story in my communications and naturally attract perfect, wonderful clients whom I can best serve.

-Janne Edney, founder,

Jenny5Regina has an amazing energy. She’s able to be totally present and engaged, fully focused on the objectives of the group. I’ve invited her to be a guest speaker at my client events and on my company video and she truly shines. She’s relatable, smart and courageous. Any organization or business owner would be lucky to have her on their team.

– Jenny Fenig, coach + consultant to gutsy entrepreneurs,

TracyImmAfter participating in Regina’s course and working with her privately, my public speaking results skyrocketed. She was able to help me tweak my material in ways that I would never even have thought of on my own. I highly recommend Regina to anyone that is looking to raise their visibility in their field by public speaking. She really prepared me for the stage!

-Tracy Imm, Communication Strategist,

WHTI had all sorts of ideas floating in my head and no cohesive story that tied it all together. It felt like I was a wheel missing that cog in the center; I had all the spokes and they were attached to the outer ring, but I didn’t have a center. Regina helped me find that center and create a story that absolutely nails me right on the head. It felt so authentic, allowing me to step out and be commanding.

– Whitney Hunter-Thompson, founder, Narrative Innovations

NancyOTooleI wanted to have a compelling story for speaking engagements. While I knew my story was compelling, I realized that I wasn’t communicating it well. Working with Regina, helped me develop a story and gave me the confidence to begin marketing myself for speaking engagements.

-Nancy O’Toole, Founder, Live At Home Seniors

Regina found the essence of my story and made a clear and concise message for me to work with. BonitaLehmanShe also uncovered strategies to help me with speaking engagements and opportunities that I hadn’t even thought about. Since our work together, I have had multiple speaking and writing engagements. She gave the confidence and encouragement to move forward and make things happen.
-Bonita Lehmann,

AllisonI had several significant stories that I wanted to tell, but I didn’t know how to make them flow into one big story. Regina was able to help me figure out how each of my stories related so that they flowed well together. She helped me see the big picture and got me started in the right direction to be able to communicate my story effectively.
-Allison Barberi, Founder,

MaryPrattRegina embodies the kind of warmth and openness that makes it easy to share your life story with her – the good, the bad, and the ugly. I was amazed at how gracefully she was able to reflect and clarify what was compelling about my own story that would be especially useful to share with others. The coaching she gave me around articulating my story has made sharing it so much easier – and powerful!

– Mary Pratt, founder,

Working with Regina has helped me clarify my message and develop a signature speech. I now feel empowered to share my message, book more speaking engagements and connect with new clients and prospects.

– Amy Bradbury, Founder, Mosaic Business Solutions

Regina helped me to better define exactly what I love about the work I do helping other coaches become experts through my own story. This a-ha moment gave me such clarity on how to better reach my clients with my own story.

-Coach Jey, Master coach for life coaches,

Regina D’Alesio has an amazing way of cutting through the fluff and getting to the important steps to take to make your speaking dreams a reality. She is the right person to have in your corner as you build your speaking platform.

-Michele Howe Clarke, Speaker and bestselling author, Face Forward: Meeting Challenges Head on in Times of Trouble

Regina gave me concrete instruction on how to get my story focused on what I need to bring into my talk to make people get the information I want to leave them with.

-Susan Cleary, President, Productive Health USA

Regina’s passion for the power of storytelling is inspiring. She is clearly someone who walks the talk.
-Andrea K, New York, NY

Regina was extremely helpful in walking me through how to get my words out effectively and connect with my audience. I now have simple and actionable steps to get my business growing. She was amazing to work with, genuine, and present.
– Iviana Bynum