Work with Me

Female Speaker

What Can Coaching Do For You?

As a savvy entrepreneur, you started your business because you have a passion and purpose. You are here to share your message, make an impact and serve the world. You know the value of public speaking, but have put it on the back burner.

Perhaps you….

  • Let fear get in the way
  • Are unclear of your message or how to deliver a talk with impact
  • Don’t have time for speaking because you are busy running your business
  • Don’t know where to find speaking engagements or how to get booked

If you answered yes than you’re in the right place.

Speaking is a powerful (yet under utilized) tool that can boost your business. Speaking puts you on the path to:

  • Connect with clients in large numbers
  • Attract your ideal clients
  • Increase your visibility
  • Serve and inspire others
  • Create new partnership opportunities
  • Sell books and information products
  • Make more money in your business

Everyone has a story and we’re here to help you share it. Book your complimentary exploratory session to get started.

Coaching Services

I currently offer two coaching options and will work with you to determine which one best meet your goals and vision. I am based in New York City, but work with clients throughout the U.S. and worldwide via phone or Skype.

Private Coaching

Coaching sessions are customized to your unique needs and goals as an entrepreneur and speaker. We begin with a powerful assessment to get crystal clear on your vision, then create a strategy to help you get clear on your message, create a powerful talk, pitch and land speaking opportunities, increase your visibility, attract clients and more.

Private coaching includes:

  • Three 45-minute coaching calls, via phone or Skype, each month
  • A powerful assessment to review speaking goals and vision
  • Individual support, guidance and goal setting based on your specific speaking needs
  • Tips and resources for powerful presentations, pitching, landing speaking opportunities and more
  • Unlimited email support between coaching calls

Ready to get started? Begin by booking your complimentary session today.

Speaking Strategy Session (60-minutes)

This 60-minute session is custom tailored towards your biggest speaking goal or challenge.

  • Are you looking to book more speaking engagements, but don’t know where to start?
  • Do you need clarity around your message?
  • I will give you the support you need to get clear and create an action plan for moving forward.
  • The investment is $149 per session

Ready to get started? Begin by booking your complimentary session today.


Ready to get started or not sure which session is right for you?

Begin by booking your complimentary session today.