Storytelling Spotlight: Your Story Can Inspire Change


This week’s Storytelling Spotlight features Miranda Bartholomew, founder of Conversations Matter. The brand is a platform for important dialogue covering topics such as relationships, sex, marriage, faith, parenting, education and more.

Bartholomew moderates these conversations on her blog, at speaking engagements and in her upcoming book, Parenting with the End in Mind.

Q:What inspired you to share your story by writing Parenting with the End in Mind?

 Miranda Bartholomew (MB): I was inspired to write the book because I was reflecting on the lessons I have learned over time and the person I’ve become as a result. I’ve also been strongly engaged in the upbringing of my younger brother and sister the past 10 years and have observed things that work and things that I personally would do differently. The environment, the support, the habits learned in that environment and overall development of a child, both good and bad, remain with them as an adult. Deprogramming yourself is extremely difficult. Hence the idea of Parenting with the End in Mind.

My mission is to help adults who care for children to come up with a blueprint which reflects the values or characteristics they want to make sure their children demonstrate by the age of 18. Ideally we should have a plan before having children. However, if we have young ones there’s still time to refine the plan to make sure our children have the utmost potential to be a world changer.

Q: Why did you choose public speaking as a platform to share your story?

MB: Public Speaking is very natural and comfortable for me. I have always been attracted to it and hope to transition to public speaking full time. My book will be my vehicle to help me grow my audience and increase speaking opportunities. Conversations can transform our lives for the better, can inspire and can literally change the world.

Q: What hesitations did you have about speaking and how did you overcome them?

MB: The only hesitation I had was a negative seed planted by someone else – my lack of credentials. To overcome it, I simply had to throw out that assumption and adopt a different thought process. “Just get them in the seats. Once you get them there you can share your personal story and then inspire change!”

I focused less on what others might be expecting from me and more on what I know I can sincerely give: my story, my energy, my confidence, my personality, and innovative concepts. What I have to offer is worth listening to!

Q: What advice can you share with people who are just getting started with speaking?

MB: Speaking helps me accomplish my mission, which is to inspire change. Speaking leads to dialogue and conversation. If you’re just getting started, I suggest you don’t turn back! Take a moment to reflect and understand why you’re doing it.  Then commit and execute. Simple as that. You WILL surprise yourself each time and likely say “Did I just do all of that?”


If you’re ready to use public speaking to share your story and inspire change, sign up for a complimentary session today.