How to pitch speaking engagements

When working with my clients they often want to know how to pitch themselves as a speaker for networking groups, conferences and other live events.

In this video, I share three tips to get you started with pitching yourself as a speaker.

  • Make a list of the organizations and events where you’d like to speak. There are thousands of events happening each day, both in-person and online events. Create a list of the top networking meetings, association events, conferences and other events you’d like to present at.
  • Find out who is in charge of booking speakers for each event on your list. This information can be found on the organization’s website or through social media sites such as LinkedIn. Also, you can call the organization to find out who is in charge of meetings and events. The phone can be intimidating for some, but it’s usually the fastest way to get the information you’re looking for.
  • Craft your pitch. There are a few things that are essential when writing a pitch including the topic you’d like to speak about and why you are THE expert to speak on that topic  Lastly, think about the benefits to the audience. Include the  tools, tips and takeaways they will learn by attending your talk to make your pitch stand out.

If you’d like to learn more about creating the perfect pitch, attend my free teleseminar “Get Booked to Speak: How to Land Speaking Opportunities Today.”