What’s Holding You Back?

One of my goals for 2013 is to run a marathon. Crazy, right? Well, a few years ago, that would have been my reaction too. At the time, exercise was not a daily part of my life. I practiced yoga, walked here and there, but I didn’t have a regular work out schedule. The thought of running one mile was well, exhausting. However, one summer day in 2010 when I was feeling out of shape and sluggish, I made a bet with myself to run one mile – just one. Once I completed the mile, I could go back home. So, I strapped on my running shoes, cranked up a playlist and hit the pavement. Eleven long minutes later I completed the mile and headed back home.

Something changed that day. Almost instantly I felt better and so I kept up this routine. I was eating right, feeling good and my clothes fit better. In the past, this would be the point where I would get off track and quit. This time however, I wanted to find a way to stay committed. So, I signed up for a half-marathon (13.1 miles). Yikes – talk about commitment!

This was huge for me. All of the fears crept up. How was I going to pull this off? Could I really do this? I was afraid to tell anyone about my goal for fear of failure. However, it was something I really wanted, so I kept at it each day. I followed a training schedule, sought out advice from other runners and three months later I completed the race.

Crossing the finish line after 13.1 miles was, and still is, one of the greatest moments of my life. Since then I completed a second half-marathon along with several smaller races.


Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone

This year, I wanted to stretch out of my comfort zone by committing to run a full marathon. Yep, that’s 26.2 miles. Last week, when the calendar flipped to February, I realized I haven’t mapped out a plan for the marathon. I knew I was in trouble. If I didn’t plan it out now, it wasn’t going to happen.

Creating a plan and staying on top of it each day is what got me through the half-marathon. Mapping out my route, laying out my running shoes the night before, charging my iPhone…those little actions helped me stay on track.

It was a good wake-up call that made me realize there may be other goals I’ve been neglecting.

As a business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate. You’re managing clients, employees, marketing, business development and well, doing what you do best. If you’re not focused on your goals things can easily slip through the cracks.

Running a business is a lot like running a marathon. In those moments when you feel like you hit the wall, remember that nurturing your goals every day will help them grow and prosper.

Whatever path you are on, staying focused and taking small steps each day will eventually get you to the finish line.

Now, it’s your turn. What goals are you working towards this week? How do you stay focused? Share your thoughts in the comments below.