A Tool to Book More Speaking Engagements

rob-laughter-unsplash - curtain stage2

photo courtesy of rob laughter, unsplash

Is getting booked to speak one of your goals this year?

Whether you’re promoting a book, program or your services, speaking is one of the best ways to build your visibility and connect with potential clients.

The good news is there are thousands of speaking opportunities available from small workshops to large-scale conferences or virtual events.

So how can you get the attention of meeting and event planners and stand out from your competitors?

Create a “speaking” page on your website.

It’s an easy tool that many entrepreneurs don’t use.

How does a speakers page impact getting booked?

Like your services or  sales page, a speakers page provides valuable information that engages meeting and event planners.

When looking for speakers for an upcoming event, meeting planners will visit the websites of industry experts. While reading through the About page and blog is informative, a speaking page contains all the information they’re looking for including:

  • Is she available to speak to our group?
  • What topics does he/she speak about?
  • How often does she speak?
  • At what events has she spoken in the past?

If that information is not easily available, meeting planners will move on to another speaker’s website. Which means you could be missing out on opportunities.

A speaking page makes their job easy – and they’re more likely to click the “book to speak” button!

What information should you include on a speaking page?

Your Signature Topics

Do you help executives create work/life balance? Do you teach women how to improve their health through diet and exercise? Do you mentor young professionals how to manage their careers? Include a list of the top 3 topics you like to present and include a brief description of the talk.

Links to Upcoming Events

This lets the event planner know your upcoming schedule and availability to speak. If the event is local, the event planner (or prospective clients) may attend the event to see you live in action.

Past Speaking Engagements

Include a list of the conferences, networking groups and events at which you’ve presented. This establishes credibility and shows the range of presentations you offer. This is a great place to include any media appearances as well.

Testimonials from Previous Speaking Engagement

You know you can deliver an amazing talk, but having others provide social proof goes along way. Don’t have any testimonials? No problem. Contact the organizations for which you recently spoke and ask them to provide 2-3 sentences about your presentation style and/or results they achieved based on the information you provided. Let them sing your praises!


Nothing demonstrates your presentation style and delivery better than seeing it on video. Video gives you a competitive advantage over speakers who don’t include video on their website and can help event planners get the green light to book you.

Do you have a speakers page on your website? If you’d like support with landing more speaking engagements, I’d love to help! Begin by booking your complimentary consultation.