A Few of My Favorite Things…2017 Edition

Every holiday season I look forward to Oprah’s Favorite Things list. I love exploring the carefully curated list of her top clothing items, home goods and food recommendations.

It inspires me to think about my own “favorites” list. What are the things that inspired me this year? What products, books and gifts would I recommend to others?

I posted this question to my Facebook community recently and loved watching the excitement as people shared their favorite beauty products, office supplies and recipes.

I’ve selected some of my favorite items that I’ve enjoyed throughout the year and wanted to share them with you.

Here’s my list:

What I’m watching

Mel Robbins TEDx talk. I love Mel’s no nonsense style and sense of humor. The talk is an inspirational reminder of the power we each hold inside of us and how to get out of our own way. After all, you are 1 in 400 trillion!

On a very different note – if you’re looking for something to add to your binge watch list, check out Parks and Recreation. Amy Poehler and company provide non-stop laughs in this comedic view of life in the parks and recreation department of Pawnee, Indiana.

What I’m reading

Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown. After reading her previous books, Daring Greatly and Rising Strong, Brene became my go-to resource for all things related to vulnerability, courage and bravery. In her latest book, she dives deep into the quest for true belonging and the courage to stand alone.

What I’m listening to

Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations podcast. I’m a huge fan of Oprah’s SuperSoul Sunday, a weekly TV series of interviews with the world’s top thought leaders and change makers. The series delivers inspiring viewpoints and countless “aha” moments! Now, you can listen to it on-the-go with the SuperSoul Conversations podcast.

What I’m savoring

My list of favorite things would not be complete without a sweet treat! This year I fell in love with Levain Bakery’s chocolate chip cookies. How can you not? The cookies are the perfect mix of chewy and crunchy, while the chips provide a gooey center. The next time you’re in New York City, check them out. It is worth waiting in line!

What I’m grateful for

YOU! Yes, you! Whether you are a new member or have been part of the community for years, I am truly grateful to have you here. I appreciate all of your comments and engagement and look forward to bringing you more valuable content in the year ahead.

Now, it’s your turn! If you were to create a list of Favorite Things, what would you include? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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