5 Reasons You Need to Add Speaking to Your Marketing Strategy

Have you ever felt called to grace the stage and share your message with the masses, but wondered about the benefits? Building a speaking platform requires time and energy, so you want to get results, right?

Sure, it’s a great feeling to engage with an audience and see an instant response to your message and gifts. However, there are so many other ways to market your services from networking to advertising to social media. The online world makes it so easy to connect with others services from the comfort of your own home office, why would you want to leave?

The benefits of speaking live and connecting with others in person cannot be measured. If you’re considering speaking as part of your marketing strategy, the shift you will see is invaluable. Here are the top five reasons to take the plunge:

Connect with more clients

Tired of exchanging business cards at networking events or posting on social media waiting for someone to hire you? When you hung out your shingle you thought the clients would immediately line up outside your door (or website). If you build it, they will come, right? While networking and social media and important parts of any marketing strategy, speaking is one of the fastest ways to connect with new clients – often the same day.

When you give a talk in front of a room filled with your ideal prospects, you have an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise, inspire through your words and offer solutions to their biggest challenges.

The audience gets an opportunity to know you and experience what it’s like to work with you.

Speaking in front of an audience creates connection. When an audience feels connected to you it builds trust and people are more likely to work with someone they know and trust.

Establish Your Thought Leadership

Tired of being the best kept secret in your industry? Speaking is the path to becoming visible, establishing your credibility and make you the go-to expert in your field. Sharing your ideas with others through storytelling and an engaging presentation, you’ll find the audience will be open to and inspired by your point of view. Speaking helps to build your confidence and make you magnetic when on stage or in regular conversations.

Serve more people

You provide a powerful service that transforms lives. Ready to reach more people in a shorter amount of time?

Imagine having the opportunity to share your message and demonstrate your experience standing in front of a room of hundreds or thousands of people at once. What impact would that have on the audience? Or on you and your business?

Visibility and New Opportunities

New opportunities such as media interviews, business partnerships or other speaking engagements could come your way as a result of speaking. Speaking is a great way to demonstrate your expertise as well as your ability to engage an audience. And you never know who could be in that audience – reporters looking for sources; talent bookers who want to book you for an interview/segment on your topic; potential clients who need your services or business partners who want to collaborate with you.

Your next opportunity could be sitting in the audience waiting for you. Why wouldn’t you want to step on stage?

Overcome Your Fears and Get to the Next Level

Perhaps the greatest benefit of speaking is that it will help you build confidence both on and off the stage. Speaking requires you to get out of your comfort zone. When you are able to take a risk in one area, and be successful, you’re more likely to take risks in other areas of life.

Are you ready to overcome your fears and take your speaking to the next level? Begin by booking your complimentary session today.

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