3 Steps to Easy Networking

Have you ever walked into a networking event and wanted to walk right back out because you were nervous?

You are not alone.

Walking into a room full of strangers can be intimidating for most people, but particularly if you are an introvert. However, as an entrepreneur, networking is essential to one’s business success.

So, here are 3 tips to make your next networking event a breeze.

Perfect your pitch

Your pitch, sometimes call an elevator speech, is a brief description of the products or services you provide and the clients you serve. Be sure to write and rehearse your pitch before going to a networking event. Having a powerful message you can deliver with impact will help you make connections with business partners and potential clients in any networking environment.

Have a few ice breakers ready

In my work with clients, I often hear “I never know what to say” or “How do I start a conversation?” Here are a few ice breakers to start a conversation with anyone in the room.
“I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m (name).”
“What brings you to the event?”
“What do you do? / Tell me about your business”

Prepare your Mindset

Before you head into your next event, take a few minutes to get into the right frame of mind. Begin by take a few deep breathes to calm your nerves. Then, set your intention for what you’d like to get out of the event. Do you want to connect with a certain number of connections? Are you looking to meet someone in a specific industry – perhaps someone who can be a referral partner? Having a goal in mind will give make your networking more targeted, reducing an nerves that creep up.

Your mission is to use the 3-steps above to prepare for your next networking event.

Now it’s your turn, what helps you overcome your nerves before a networking event? Post your tips in the comments below.

The One Tool You Need for Networking, Client Meetings and Speaking Engagements

BlakeMykoskieMany entrepreneurs and small business owners don’t see the value of storytelling because they’ve been trained to focus on sales and marketing. However, storytelling is a vital piece of sales and marketing. In fact, it makes interacting with clients easier and takes away the “ick” factor so many entrepreneurs experience when trying to close a sale.

Here are a few reasons why sharing your story can boost your business:

Establish credibility –By having a powerful story to tell and speaking at events, you become a thought leader in your industry. You’ve received an endorsement from the organization you are speaking to, giving you a competitive edge.

Create connection – Sharing a powerful story gives your brand a human element. People know that you’ve been in their shoes, which creates authenticity and makes you relatable.

Stand out from the crowd – A powerful story makes you memorable. Which has a greater impact: A photographer? or Someone who captures life’s important memories?

Increase visibility – Speaking at events exposes you to new groups of people, thereby expanding your reach.

Are you ready to embrace the power of storytelling? Sign up for a complimentary 30-minute consultation.

4 Steps to Planning a “Must-Attend” Event

If you’re like many entrepreneurs, hosting an event is probably on your calendar this year. If not, it should be!

What better way to establish yourself as a thought leader while gathering a room (virtual or in-person) full of prospects and giving them a taste of your magic?

Events offer a number of opportunities to promote a new offering, get publicity for a book or simply make new connections.

Here’s a step by step guide to get you started:

Select the Topic

Got an idea for a program you’d like to host? Great. Before you start planning the logistics, your first step is to do some research with your target audience. Events require time and money, so it’s important to gauge the interest and need for the topic before booking a venue. Asking a few clients for their feedback on the idea or post a question to your community on Facebook or Twitter will help determine the interest and also give you insight into the questions or hot topics you should address during the event.

The Format

Now that you have the topic narrowed down, your next step is to determine the best format to deliver the content. Virtual webinar? Small group workshop? Large scale conference?

The content and subject matter often dictates the format. For an introduction or overview of a topic, a virtual webinar may be the best fit. If your topic is more in-depth and requires more training, an in-person workshop works best.

Choose a Date

Selecting the date seems simple, but is often the most difficult part of the process. There are a few things to consider when picking a date including the prime day and time for your target market. For example, hosting an event for corporate executives in the evening is ideal, since they may not be able to leave work during the day.

Also, beware of any holidays that may coincide with the dates as that will impact attendance.

Finally, remember to leave enough time to market the event. It takes anywhere from two weeks to six months to market an event properly. Make sure you have enough lead-time to promote the event so you can fill those seats!.

Select a Venue

If you’re hosting a virtual event, you still need to pick a “venue.” Think about where will you host the event online: Google+ Hangouts, Facebook, UStream or will use an teleconference service like Free Conference Call or Instant Teleseminar?

For in-person events, the size and format of your event will determine which venue you select. For smaller events, you can rent a space at locations ranging from the public library to a local cafe to a yoga studio. If you’re looking for a more professional setting, a co-working space or conference room could provide the perfect location.

Now that you’ve got the basics nailed down, it’s time to promote the event!

If you want to host an event in 2015, let us show you the way! Begin by scheduling a complimentary 30-minute consultation.

Communicate Your Brand Message with Ease

I recently asked my Facebook community the following question: How do you describe your brand in a few words?

The response was overwhelming with words like







Fun and more.

Ask any entrepreneur to describe their brand and the answers will be top of mind. Branding goes beyond a few words, logo and colors. A strong brand is infused in every part of your business creating a clear, consistent message.

What message are you sending with your words, style and image?

How you present yourself when speaking on stage, attending a networking event or filming a video speaks volumes to potential clients (even if you haven’t said a word)!

Too often, entrepreneurs send different messages on different platforms and they many not know it.

Creating a consistent brand message demonstrates the experience you create for your clients and customers.

Your message: What is it you want to be known for? What are the key messages you want to communicate about your brand? Write down your brand messages and infuse them in

Your appearance: When attending a networking event, meetingwith a client or speaking on stage, your fashion and style should represent your brand. If you’re a reiki master, and your brand is inspirational or tranquil, your clothing should reflect that. Wearing a suit is out of alignment with your brand and confusing to your audience.

Online profiles: Are your social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram branded? Having the same tagline, logo and and graphics that visually represent your brand creates consistency and builds trust with potential clients.

Photos: When was the last time you took headshots or updated your social media photos? When updating your photos your clothing, background and poses should represent your brand.

Want to learn more about communicating your brand with ease? Attend the Speak Your Brand event on October 30 in New York City.

How to Get Visibility Like a Rock Star

As a lifelong music fan, I believe there are many lessons entrepreneurs can learn from rock stars. It’s easy to look at famous musicians like Justin Timberlake or Beyonce and think they became successful overnight.

The business world is no different. Scroll through social media and you’ll entrepreneurs posting about a successful product launch, high-profile media coverage or a record month in sales.

Meanwhile, you put in the hard work daily, but wonder what you’re doing wrong and why your don’t get the same visibility in your business.

Here’s the good news:  it takes time to “make it” to the big time – in business or in music.

Before he achieved worldwide success, Justin Timberlake lost on Star Search. So did Beyonce.

They didn’t let those small defeats keep them from their rock star dreams. Here are a few actions you can take to get rock star visibility:

1. Play small venues – When starting a business you have to play the tiny clubs before you can sell out Madison Square Garden. Many entrepreneurs have dreams of delivering a TED talk. Speaking at smaller events or at local networking meetings is a great training ground to hone your message and perfect your presentation.

2. Build the buzz – Can you remember a time when a friend said “you’ve got to hear this song” or introduced you to a new band? Word of mouth referrals are one of the best sources to build buzz for you business. Take a cue from rock stars by engaging your “fans” on social media or ask former clients to write testimonials about your work.

3. Push through the fear – Barbra Streisand’s stage fright kept her from performing in public for decades. Adele, Eddie Vedder and Bob Dylan also shy away from the spotlight. However, these artists haven’t let fear prevent them from sharing their work with the world. Just imagine if Bob Dylan never released “Blowin’ in the Wind” or Adele kept “Someone Like You” in her journal?

Those songs are powerful and so is your message. There is a fan (or customer) who needs your services and is anxiously awaiting your next blog post, video, email or event.

So, put yourself out there.


Share your words and message. You never know, you could be the next overnight success.

If you want to get more visibility for your business, schedule a 30-minute complimentary strategy session.