Red Carpet Secrets for Success

Did you catch the Golden Globes on Sunday? Awards season is my favorite season. The Oscars, Grammy’s, Golden Globes – I can’t get enough of the red carpet glamour, the talented hosts (Tina & Amy rocked it!) and of course, the heartfelt speeches.

There was one acceptance speech at the Golden Globes that stood out from the others  (No, I’m not talking about Jacqueline Bisset). While accepting her award at Sunday’s Golden Globe awards, actress Amy Adams mentioned it was the fifteenth anniversary of her moving to Los Angeles. She moved to L.A. with the hopes of “getting a commercial or something.”

While it’s easy to recognize her talent and performance, what is more remarkable is how willing she was to put everything on the line to achieve her dream. Moving to L.A., finding an agent, landing her first acting job. She not only took a chance, but she made herself visible.

Are You Holding Back?

With 2014 in full swing, I’m sure you’ve got big dreams you want to achieve. But as New Year’s inspiration dies down, perhaps you’re losing momentum or holding back?

You may not be a Hollywood actress, but you have to make yourself visible if you want to succeed. This isn’t about stepping on stage or a red carpet. Visibility translates to how you show up at work, in your business and in your life.

So, I want to ask you: Where are you holding back?

-Are you avoiding making that phone call?
-Have you resisted sharing your story because you believe it’s not “big enough”?
-Do you shy away from opportunities because you don’t want to be perceived as “bragging”?

Can you relate to any of these?

If you can, I assure you, you’re not alone.

To be your best, you have to be willing to show up, speak up and take action.

What can you do today to come out of hiding and show your strengths? What step can you take to reveal yourself and move closer to achieving a goal?

Take one step today and with a little Hustle you may just wind up achieving gold.

Create Your Powerful Vision for the New Year

As one year comes to a close and a new one begins, it’s a time to create your vision for the coming year.

I want to give you a simple guide to help you carve out that vision and set yourself up for success. Grab a journal, head to your favorite cafe or quiet place to dive into these questions.

Why is creating a vision so important?

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Think of all the resolutions made on January 1 that disappear by January 15th. Without a solid plan, it’s easy to lose focus and get off track. By setting aside time to plan now, you will have a road map to guide you towards achieving your goals.

Review the past year
Before you plan for the year ahead it’s important to review the year that is ending. In the past twelve months, what are you most proud of? What were your biggest accomplishments? What worked and what wasn’t so successful?

Get clear on your vision for the coming year

What would you like your life to look like a year from now? What direction would you like to take your business or career?  Be as specific as you can, but don’t get stuck trying to figure out every detail. Your vision should help you identify your most important goals, but they can be fine-tuned as you move forward.

Assign deadlines to your goals

Now that you’re clear on where you want to go, the next step is to attach a deadline for achieving each goal. Why is this so important?

The difference between a dream and a goal is a timeline.

If you don’t have a set deadline, you may find yourself cruising along instead of actively working towards your goals. So pick a date you aim to reach your goal so you can take daily action and achieve it.

Create a vision board
Break out the markers, glue and magazines. It’s time to get crafty! Tear out pictures from magazines that represent your vision – places you’d like to travel, people you’d like to work with, adventures you’d like to have – and glue them to a piece of construction paper or paper plate. Place the completed board where you can see it and review it each day. Having a visual representation of your goals keeps you motivated and will inspire you to take the next step.

Choose a theme for the year

Now that you’ve created your goals it’s time to chose a word that captures your overall vision.

Some words to help you get started:







Think of this word as your North Star – one guiding force to remind you of where you want to go.

Here’s to a prosperous, successful year. I’d love to know what your theme is for the year? Share your “word” in the comments below.

How to Stop Fear and Doubt from Holding You Back

I heard a few surprising statements from successful, six-figure business owners during a networking event last week. Comments such as:

“I have an AMAZING information product, but I’m afraid to sell it because no one will buy it.”

“If I raise my prices, I’m going to lose all my customers.”

“I have great experience, but I’m a new business owner, so customers don’t want to work with me.”

Limiting beliefs. We all have them.

They show up in so many situations: when speaking with potential clients, delivering a presentation or negotiating a contract.

Regardless of the situation, there are a few simple techniques to quiet the inner critic so you can move forward and achieve your goals.

First, shift your mindset. When the doubt creeps up remind yourself that you are an expert in your field. You have years of experience and hundreds or thousands of satisfied clients and customers. It’s easy to lose sight of this when you are moving at a rapid pace or busy creating your “next best thing.” However, it is important to stop every now and then to remind yourself of your talent. Remember, you are unique. There may be other companies that provide the same service, but no one has the exact same experience, gifts or perspective that you have.

Still need a confidence boost? Try this exercise. Write a list of all of the things you have accomplished in the last three months. The list can include smaller tasks like “went for a walk today” to bigger items such as “launched a 3-month group training program.” Keep this list on your desk or in your pocket to serve as a reminder when the doubt creeps up.

Finally, remember your business is not about you! It provides a product or service that benefits your clients and customers. They need the help, expertise or guidance that only you can provide. That skill that seems “easy” to you is not so easy to someone else. So, don’t hold back. When you come from a place of service, nothing can stand in your way.

Now it’s your turn? How do you move past limiting beliefs? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

What’s Holding You Back?

One of my goals for 2013 is to run a marathon. Crazy, right? Well, a few years ago, that would have been my reaction too. At the time, exercise was not a daily part of my life. I practiced yoga, walked here and there, but I didn’t have a regular work out schedule. The thought of running one mile was well, exhausting. However, one summer day in 2010 when I was feeling out of shape and sluggish, I made a bet with myself to run one mile – just one. Once I completed the mile, I could go back home. So, I strapped on my running shoes, cranked up a playlist and hit the pavement. Eleven long minutes later I completed the mile and headed back home.

Something changed that day. Almost instantly I felt better and so I kept up this routine. I was eating right, feeling good and my clothes fit better. In the past, this would be the point where I would get off track and quit. This time however, I wanted to find a way to stay committed. So, I signed up for a half-marathon (13.1 miles). Yikes – talk about commitment!

This was huge for me. All of the fears crept up. How was I going to pull this off? Could I really do this? I was afraid to tell anyone about my goal for fear of failure. However, it was something I really wanted, so I kept at it each day. I followed a training schedule, sought out advice from other runners and three months later I completed the race.

Crossing the finish line after 13.1 miles was, and still is, one of the greatest moments of my life. Since then I completed a second half-marathon along with several smaller races.


Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone

This year, I wanted to stretch out of my comfort zone by committing to run a full marathon. Yep, that’s 26.2 miles. Last week, when the calendar flipped to February, I realized I haven’t mapped out a plan for the marathon. I knew I was in trouble. If I didn’t plan it out now, it wasn’t going to happen.

Creating a plan and staying on top of it each day is what got me through the half-marathon. Mapping out my route, laying out my running shoes the night before, charging my iPhone…those little actions helped me stay on track.

It was a good wake-up call that made me realize there may be other goals I’ve been neglecting.

As a business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate. You’re managing clients, employees, marketing, business development and well, doing what you do best. If you’re not focused on your goals things can easily slip through the cracks.

Running a business is a lot like running a marathon. In those moments when you feel like you hit the wall, remember that nurturing your goals every day will help them grow and prosper.

Whatever path you are on, staying focused and taking small steps each day will eventually get you to the finish line.

Now, it’s your turn. What goals are you working towards this week? How do you stay focused? Share your thoughts in the comments below.