Top 5 Ways to Make Your Speaking Goals a Reality

What goals did you set for 2015?

Taking a fabulous vacation? Double your sales? Give a TED talk?

If you’re like most people, those goals aren’t going as planned.

You’re heading into the second half of the year wondering where the time went.

You didn’t give as many talks as you hoped.

Your still not clear on your story or message.

And the book you’ve been working on is collecting dust.

You’re feeling a big discouraged and frustrated….again.

Because you really wanted 2015 to be THE year for you.

I get it. I’ve got big plans for this year too: running a half-marathon, launching a new program, hosting a workshop and much more.

So, to get you back on track, I’ve created a list of resources to help you get clear on your message, land speaking engagements and get the visibility you desire before 2015 ends.

Let’s dive in!

1. How to Craft a Talk that Sells

2. 3 Strategies to Find Your Ideal Speaking Engagements

3. How to Land Speaking Opportunities in Just One Hour

4. How to Pitch Speaking Engagements

5. 5 Questions to Ask Before Saying ‘Yes’ to a Speaking Gig

Carve out a few hours to really dive into these resources and create a plan for the next few months.

Remember, taken action on one item will bring you that much closer to your goal!

And if you’re ready to dig in and take massive action, book a 30-minute complimentary consultation.

2 thoughts on “Top 5 Ways to Make Your Speaking Goals a Reality

  1. Thank you so much for this article, Regina! I love how you compiled some of your “best stuff” in one place for easy reference. Such a great resource. And, yes, I’m in awe of how quickly the year is flying by. Time to get refocused!

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