How to Silence the Inner Critic

Here’s what you’ll learn in this video:

  • 3 tips to quiet the inner critic
  • A powerful tool to eliminate the inner critic
  • Insight on the inner critic from Elizabeth Gilbert, author, Eat Pray Love

3 Tips to Quiet the Inner Critic

The inner critic – that negative voice that creeps up and tells you you’re not good enough. It creates fear and doubt in your mind causing you to hold back from pursuing a dream or simply hitting publish on your blog post.

Here are three easy ways to help silence the inner critic when that voice creeps in:

1) Your audience needs you – When the inner critic shows up it’s easy to doubt yourself, your purpose and the value of your work. When that happens remind yourself that your audience need the information you have. That’s why they subscribed to your newsletter, read your blog or register to attend your talks. It’s natural to downplay your talent or compare yourself to others in your field. But remember, your audience is coming to you for help. You have knowledge, experience and information that they need. Don’t hold back. The information you have can help them resolve an issue and they will be grateful to receive it.

2) Create a Rock Star Review – It’s easy to get caught up in checking things off the “To-Do” list so you can tackle the next task on the list. However, it’s a good idea to pause and remind yourself of all that you have accomplished.

Spend just 5 minutes today and write down all the things you have accomplished this week or in the last month. The list can include big items such as launching a product as well as smaller things like washed the dishes. Once you create that list you will be amazed at everything you have done in that time frame. Keep the list near your desk to remind you how much you can accomplish – and to keep the inner critic at bay.

3) Even famous authors deal with the critics – Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love, was asked how she handles the inner critic. She posted her response on Facebook saying that she deals with the inner critic the same way she deals with critics in real life. She simply tells them to ‘Go write your own book!’

Now it’s your turn. How do you handle the inner critic? Post your thoughts in the comments below

Ready to bust through fear?

Here’s what you’ll learn in this video:

  • What to do when fear creeps up
  • The one thing that is holding you back
  • How to let go of fear so you can move forward


People often ask me how to overcome their fear of public speak, so I want to share my number one tip.

Let Go of Perfection

I recently took part in an online video course. Each day we were assigned a topic to talk about on video. Over the two-week program I found I was relaxed and the process was easy and comfortable.

Why was this so much easier than recording my weekly video blog?

During the video course, I realized I wasn’t worried about having everything perfect. It didn’t matter whether or not I had perfect lighting, background or set-up.

The best way to overcome fear is to let go of perfection.

Start where you are and remember…

Done is better than perfect.

Now I want to hear from you. How do you get through fear? Post your thoughts in the comments below.


4 Speaking Secrets Every Introvert Should Know

When it comes to public speaking, you can never have enough guidance on overcoming fear, storytelling or commanding the stage.

Today, I’m offering tips specifically for introverts – those people who avoid parties, networking groups and enjoy plenty of downtime.

Fear not, introverts. Just because you are an introvert, doesn’t mean you can’t command the stage. In fact, many introverts have been very successful and made careers out of being on the stage.

So here are 4 tips just for you:

Practice, practice and then practice some more

Speaking is like any muscle. You have to keep using it in order to stay in shape. The more you practice your speech, the more you will be comfortable with you material, which lessens the fear of forgetting what you’re going to say. Speaking to groups on a regular basis will boost your confidence making the experience less intimidating.

Connect to your story

There is nothing more inspiring to a live audience than a passionate speaker. You can’t have passion if your material is dry, so it’s important to share a compelling story. For example, a photographer talking about his subjects or what happened during the photo shoot is much more interesting than if he were to talking about the camera or shutter speed used.

Be of service

When speaking to a group you are sharing information with those who need it most. The audience wants and needs the wisdom, advice and solutions you have to offer. Thinking about the information that is most important to the audience will take the focus off of you.

Channel your inner Sasha Fierce

There are numerous actors, musicians and artists who are introverts including Harrison Ford, Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga. Even a powerful, fearless performer like Beyonce admits to channeling her alter ego, Sasha Fierce, when she takes the stage:

“Sasha Fierce is the fun, more sensual, more aggressive, more outspoken side and more glamorous side that comes out when I’m working and when I’m on the stage.”

Take a cue from Beyonce (and let’s face it, who doesn’t want to be as fierce as Beyonce every now and then?) and create your own persona the next time you take the stage.

Now it’s your turn. Are you an introvert? Do you have an Sasha Fierce alter ego? Share your best speaking tip in the comments below.

What if You Chose Faith Over Fear?

“I want to see you be brave.” ~ Sara Barreillis

It’s not always easy.

To meet a deadline.

To be your best self.

To take a risk.

To be brave.

To face your fears.

Say the words “public speaking” and “fear” is sure to follow. When I speak with entrepreneurs fear and doubt always pop up – even with speakers who give presentations regularly. Everyone has their shaky moments.

“I’m scared of audiences, one show in Amsterdam I was so nervous I escaped out the fire exit. I’ve thrown up a couple of times…” ~ Adele

Even performers like Adele.

So, what if you made a mind shift? What if you shifted your thoughts from fear to…

Owning your expertise. You are the expert. You have years of experience and plenty of success stories to back it up.

Speaking your truth. Speak about our passion – that thing that lights you up. Enthusiasm is infectious. And when you speak about something you love, fear fades away.

Realizing the audience wants you to succeed. They’re actually rooting for you! They want to learn from you because you have a skill and knowledge that they may not.

What if you shifted from fear to faith?

What would be possible?


How are you choosing faith over fear today? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

What Would You Attempt if You Knew You Could Not Fail?

Have you been rejected lately? Hearing that awful word – NO! It hurts, doesn’t it?

Facing rejection takes courage. It’s often what holds us back from speaking up, stepping out, trying new things.

But, what if you wanted to get rejected? What if you purposely tried to hear “No.” How would that change your perspective? How would it impact the way you lead your life or run your business?

The question came up last week when my colleague from a networking group threw out a challenge to the group: What if you actively tried to get rejected 50 times? What you would attempt? What would you ask for? What would you do differently?

At first glance, it seemed intimidating and scary. Why do I want to be rejected? But then I put the challenge to the test.

I dared myself to make cold calls to new prospects for one full hour. Now you and I both know, making cold calls is about as much fun as having a root canal. But, with the goal of trying to get a “No,” I noticed the anxiety disappeared. I rapidly moved through the calls, barely pausing between each dial. I connected with voice mail more often than a live person which helped relieve my anxiety and also keep the momentum going. By the end, I had a rush of excitement. I tackled this scary task with little hesitation or fear.

So why was this challenge so effective? This simple shift in thinking takes away the fear of rejection because you expect it. You desire people to say ‘No’. And every ‘No’ gets you one step closer to your goal. When you take the fear away, your energy changes. You are more enthusiastic, passionate and animated. When you bring that energy to the situation, whatever it may be, people respond differently. They say YES!

And that’s exactly what happened to me. Out of all of the calls, I only received one call back. However, the person was interested in working together, so I now have a new client. This is a result I was not expecting at all when I decided to make those calls.

Now that I’ve tested the model, and seen results, I’ve created a list of 50 things I’m going to try to get rejected. Some are big goals that will stretch me out of my comfort zone. Some are smaller, more manageable goals. Either way, I’ve noticed a change in attitude. I’m actually EXCITED to tackle this to-do list that once seemed so out of reach.

I’ll keep you updated on my progress, but I invite you to create your own list of 50 Rejections. What would you try if you knew you could not fail? Apply for a speaking opportunity? Ask for the raise? Invite the cute guy/gal our for coffee?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!