What Would You Attempt if You Knew You Could Not Fail?

Have you been rejected lately? Hearing that awful word – NO! It hurts, doesn’t it?

Facing rejection takes courage. It’s often what holds us back from speaking up, stepping out, trying new things.

But, what if you wanted to get rejected? What if you purposely tried to hear “No.” How would that change your perspective? How would it impact the way you lead your life or run your business?

The question came up last week when my colleague from a networking group threw out a challenge to the group: What if you actively tried to get rejected 50 times? What you would attempt? What would you ask for? What would you do differently?

At first glance, it seemed intimidating and scary. Why do I want to be rejected? But then I put the challenge to the test.

I dared myself to make cold calls to new prospects for one full hour. Now you and I both know, making cold calls is about as much fun as having a root canal. But, with the goal of trying to get a “No,” I noticed the anxiety disappeared. I rapidly moved through the calls, barely pausing between each dial. I connected with voice mail more often than a live person which helped relieve my anxiety and also keep the momentum going. By the end, I had a rush of excitement. I tackled this scary task with little hesitation or fear.

So why was this challenge so effective? This simple shift in thinking takes away the fear of rejection because you expect it. You desire people to say ‘No’. And every ‘No’ gets you one step closer to your goal. When you take the fear away, your energy changes. You are more enthusiastic, passionate and animated. When you bring that energy to the situation, whatever it may be, people respond differently. They say YES!

And that’s exactly what happened to me. Out of all of the calls, I only received one call back. However, the person was interested in working together, so I now have a new client. This is a result I was not expecting at all when I decided to make those calls.

Now that I’ve tested the model, and seen results, I’ve created a list of 50 things I’m going to try to get rejected. Some are big goals that will stretch me out of my comfort zone. Some are smaller, more manageable goals. Either way, I’ve noticed a change in attitude. I’m actually EXCITED to tackle this to-do list that once seemed so out of reach.

I’ll keep you updated on my progress, but I invite you to create your own list of 50 Rejections. What would you try if you knew you could not fail? Apply for a speaking opportunity? Ask for the raise? Invite the cute guy/gal our for coffee?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!



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