Keep Your Speaking Engagements Organized (And Don’t Miss an Opportunity)

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Photo courtesy Estee Janssens, Unsplash

Good news! You’ve lined up ten speaking engagements over the next few months.

You did the hard work – researching speaking opportunities, submitting a solid proposal, connecting with meeting organizers and finally securing the gig. You’re primed to increase your visibility, connect with hundreds or thousands of people and perhaps, sell a few books.

Now, it’s time to kick back and relax, right?

Not so fast.

If speaking is not your full-time profession, managing your speaking schedule in addition to running your business or career, can get overwhelming rather quickly.

Here are a few tips to keep you streamline the process and stay organized:

Create a form on your website

Set up a Google document or contact form directly on your website to manage incoming speaking requests. Include questions about details for the speaking engagement and event such as:

  • Name of organization
  • Contact person
  • Date and location of the event
  • Length and format of presentation
  • Fee or budget for the speaking engagement

Having this form in place will reduce time emailing or calling the meeting organizers to get the information. With all the requests in one place (as opposed to sifting through emails) you can review them at once and respond accordingly.

Create a calendar just for your speaking engagements

Mark the dates of each speaking event on the calendar so you can see everything in one place. Additionally, map out any planning meetings with the event organizers, deadlines to submit slides or materials, promotional or marketing campaigns and most importantly when you will write and rehearse each talk.

Create a file for each event

Create a paper or digital folder with important details for each event including: date, location, on-site contact person, time of the talk, transportation and travel details. This will save you time and energy in the days before a speaking engagement, so you can focus on the content of the presentation.

Plan your follow-up strategy

There are always details to take care of once the talk is over. Have a system set up for invoicing and collecting payments for any speaking fees or travel reimbursements. Also, plan to follow up with the audience by sending a survey or email to thank the audience for attending and share any resources you may have mentioned during your talk.

Creating these systems may take some time in the beginning. However, once they are in place you’ll be able to accept requests and manage speaking engagements more efficiently. That way you direct your attention where it really matters – creating and delivering a powerful talk that makes an impact.

 Ready to ramp-up your speaking strategy? Book your complimentary 30-minute strategy session.

3 Steps to Easy Networking

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photo courtesy of Wu Yi, Unsplash

Have you ever walked into a networking event and wanted to walk right back out because you were nervous?

You are not alone.

Walking into a room full of strangers can be intimidating for most people, but particularly if you are an introvert.

Networking is essential to one’s  success, so, here are 3 tips to make your next networking event a breeze.

Perfect your pitch

The key to making great connections is knowing how to talk about yourself and your work with a powerful introduction. Your introduction, sometimes called an elevator speech, is a brief description of the products or services you provide and the clients you serve.
Writing a great intro is the first step, but it’s important to rehearse it before an event. The way we write and the way we speak are very different. Saying your introduction out loud will help refine it so it’s more conversational. It will also build your confidence so when you’ll know exactly what to say when someone asks, ‘What do you do?’.

Have a few ice breakers ready

In my work with clients, I often hear “I never know what to say” or “How do I start a conversation?” Here are a few ice breakers to start a conversation with anyone in the room.
“I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m (name).”
“What brings you to the event?”
“What do you do? / Tell me about your business”

Prepare your Mindset

Before you head into your next event, take a few minutes to get into the right frame of mind. Begin by take a few deep breathes to calm your nerves. Then, set your intention for what you’d like to get out of the event. Do you want to connect with a certain number of connections? Are you looking to meet someone in a specific industry – perhaps someone who can be a referral partner? Having a goal in mind will give make your networking more targeted, reducing an nerves that creep up.
Looking for a network to make great connections and find support? Join the Strong Women Support Network.

How to Sell Out Your Next Event

Hosting a live event can be a daunting task. Planning the content, finding a venue and managing the logistics can leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. And then you have to get people to register and attend – minor detail!

Whether you are hosting a retreat,  book signing, virtual teleseminar or conference, there are a few key marketing ingredients that will make your event a success.

Set up your sales page 

First things first. Begin by writing a description of the event that highlights the benefits of attending and what people will gain by attending. How will this event help them? What is the format? What is the agenda for the day? Who is the event designed for?

It’s also important to include basic information like the date, time and location for the event as well as the registration information so people can buy tickets!

In addition to your website or sales page, set up an event page on Facebook or Eventbrite so you can can reach a wider audience.

Create a marketing calendar

Depending on the size of the event, you should begin marketing 2-6 months in advance of the event. Creating a marketing calendar will keep you organized and on track with your initiatives as you move closer to the date.

Decide how often you will promote the event and through which channels. For example, will you send an email to your newsletter subscribers or post the information on social media? Write down each marketing piece on a calendar to indicate the date you plan to send it out.

Here are a few marketing channels to consider:

  • Newsletter list and subscribers
  • Client prospects
  • Colleagues and partners who serve similar audiences
  • Social media channels
  • Networking groups and associations
  • Online groups and communities such as Facebook, LinkedIn

Important note: Remember to also mark time on your calendar to write the promotional pieces whether it’s copy for an email or a tweet!

Engage partners to build the buzz

In addition to marketing to your own list and social media channels, enlisting the help of friends, colleagues and business partners will help spread the word to a wider audience.

This can include:

  • Speakers for the event
  • Referral partners
  • JV partners
  • Clients
  • Colleagues from networking or association groups

Provide sample email copy, blurbs for newsletters and social media posts to make it easy for people to share the event with their communities.

Build excitement ahead of the event

Once people begin registering for your event, it’s important to keep in touch with them before the event happens. Sending email updates or engaging with attendees on social media keeps it fresh in their minds and builds excitement. Get creative and start a social media promotion by asking attendees to post pictures on Facebook or Instagram.

Monitor your registration numbers throughout the process to make sure you’re meeting your goals.

Ready to sell out your next event? Begin by booking your complimentary 30-minute discovery call.

The One Tool You Need for Networking, Client Meetings and Speaking Engagements

BlakeMykoskieMany entrepreneurs and small business owners don’t see the value of storytelling because they’ve been trained to focus on sales and marketing. However, storytelling is a vital piece of sales and marketing. In fact, it makes interacting with clients easier and takes away the “ick” factor so many entrepreneurs experience when trying to close a sale.

Here are a few reasons why sharing your story can boost your business:

Establish credibility –By having a powerful story to tell and speaking at events, you become a thought leader in your industry. You’ve received an endorsement from the organization you are speaking to, giving you a competitive edge.

Create connection – Sharing a powerful story gives your brand a human element. People know that you’ve been in their shoes, which creates authenticity and makes you relatable.

Stand out from the crowd – A powerful story makes you memorable. Which has a greater impact: A photographer? or Someone who captures life’s important memories?

Increase visibility – Speaking at events exposes you to new groups of people, thereby expanding your reach.

Are you ready to embrace the power of storytelling? Sign up for a complimentary 30-minute consultation.

Communicate Your Brand Message with Ease

I recently asked my Facebook community the following question: How do you describe your brand in a few words?

The response was overwhelming with words like







Fun and more.

Ask any entrepreneur to describe their brand and the answers will be top of mind. Branding goes beyond a few words, logo and colors. A strong brand is infused in every part of your business creating a clear, consistent message.

What message are you sending with your words, style and image?

How you present yourself when speaking on stage, attending a networking event or filming a video speaks volumes to potential clients (even if you haven’t said a word)!

Too often, entrepreneurs send different messages on different platforms and they many not know it.

Creating a consistent brand message demonstrates the experience you create for your clients and customers.

Your message: What is it you want to be known for? What are the key messages you want to communicate about your brand? Write down your brand messages and infuse them in

Your appearance: When attending a networking event, meetingwith a client or speaking on stage, your fashion and style should represent your brand. If you’re a reiki master, and your brand is inspirational or tranquil, your clothing should reflect that. Wearing a suit is out of alignment with your brand and confusing to your audience.

Online profiles: Are your social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram branded? Having the same tagline, logo and and graphics that visually represent your brand creates consistency and builds trust with potential clients.

Photos: When was the last time you took headshots or updated your social media photos? When updating your photos your clothing, background and poses should represent your brand.

Want to learn more about communicating your brand with ease? Attend the Speak Your Brand event on October 30 in New York City.